Meet the Teachers
Kris Sullivan — I’m from Brisbane, Australia, and have been teaching in Japan since 2005. I joined Seinan Jo in 2021 and currently teach 異文化間コミュニケーションI・II、エリア・スタディI、国際ボランティア演習、日本語教育実習、英語プレゼンテーションIII、グローバル英語II、専門演習I・II and 卒業研究. My research interests include study abroad, Australia-Japan relations, learner identity, learner autonomy, and curriculum design. In my free time I love travelling, trying new foods, watching movies, and going to karaoke.
Mayumi Nishihara — I’m originally from Kitakyushu City, but I’ve lived in Fukuoka City, the USA, and Nagasaki. This year, after several decades, I have returned to Kitakyushu. At Seinan-Jogakuin University, I teach 英語学概論、英語科教育法Ⅲ・Ⅳ、エッセイ・ライティング、パラグラフ・ライティング、リーディング、英検演習 etc. In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis with my family and friends and visiting hot spring spots.
Suzuko Brown-Mamoto — イギリス文学が専門です。担当教科は、英語文学I,II、TOEIC演習I,II、初年次セミナーI,II、ゼミなどです。ヨーロッパ、東南アジアなどを旅行するのが好きです。
Malcolm Swanson — I’m from New Zealand and I have been living in Japan since 1989. I joined Seinan in 2006, and now I’m teaching 英語プレゼンテーション, メディア英語, 英語プロジェクト, 専門演習, 卒業研究, 地域プロジェクト, and リーディング. In my free time I climb mountains, grow vegetables, and cook cakes.
Kaori Ota — My research interests include English phonetics, English teacing methodology, and English pedagogy. I’m teaching 実践英語音声学I・II, 教職実践演習, 教育におけるICT活用, 教育実習事前事後指導, 教育実習, 専門演習I・II, and 卒業研究 etc. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, traveling, and taking pictures of beautiful flowers.
Miki Tsukamoto — I have lived in Kitakyushu since I was born. I joined Seinan Jo Gakuin University in 2012 and currently teach グラマーコンポジション、教育ボランティア演習、地域プロジェクト、英語教科教育法I、教育におけるICT活用、教職実践演習、教育実習事前事後指導、教育実習、専門演習 and 卒業研究. I love traveling and playing the ukulele.
Andrew Zitzmann — I’m from Montreal, Canada and have been in Japan since 1992. I joined Seinan Jo in 2018 and currently teach 英語コミュニケーション、欧米文化交流研修、グローバル英語I、English Extension, エリアスタディII、英語プロジェクトII、専門 and 卒業研究. My research interests include student transitions and sociolinguistics. Away from the classroom I like to spend time in my garden with my vegetables, dogs and chickens.
For more information about the teachers, please visit our blog