7月20日、スワンソン先生の3年生ゼミは、安川財閥の創業者である安川敬一郎氏の旧邸宅を訪問しました [website]。この建物は戸畑区のランドマーク的存在で、1912年に初めて建てられました。館長の渡辺さんが建物と敷地を案内してくださり、この場所の歴史を説明してくださいました。その後、本館内のカフェで日本式のアフタヌーンティーを楽しみました。
On July 20, Malcolm Swanson’s 3rd year seminar class visited the former residence [website] of Kenichiro Yasukawa, the founder of what is now Yasukawa Electric. This is a landmark building in Tobata Ward that was first constructed in 1912. Mr Watanabe, the manager, gave us a tour of the buildings and the grounds and explained the history of the place. We then enjoyed a Japanese-style afternoon tea in the cafe inside the main building.
Our goals:
We will start by creating English-language pamphlets for foreign visitors. From there we will create English guides that visitors can access using QR codes. Once that is complete, we hope to add other languages as well. We also hope to run some English-related events there for foreign visitors or residents to enjoy.