
Mallory Cup 2013 Results

On September 28, 2013, we held our 8th Mallory Cup English Skit Contest for elementary and junior high school students. A total of 3 elementary and 12 junior high teams competed for the trophies before Keiko Willhite (Oxford University Press), Richard Payne (Vancouver Island University), and Shoko Amioka (one of our 3rd-year students)—our 3 esteemed judges. Mr David Street of the University of Winchester was also on hand to provide 3 prizes for the top actors and actresses.

The results were:

Elementary School Division:

  • 1st place: Keiai Elementary School (Yuka Nagai, Ayaka Kubo, Iori  Yamada) – Original script
  • 2nd pace: Moji Chuou Elementary School (Ayu Nishiaki, Ibuki Oda, Nagomi Kutani) – Peter Rabbit
  • 3rd place: Keiai Elementary School (Akari Watanabe, Rio Hirayama, Konosuke Yamaguchi) – Peter Rabbit

Junior High School Division

  • 1st place: Meiji Gakuen Junior High School (Fune Nishida, Chinatsu Nakamura, Risa Hyodo) – If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
  • 2nd place: Oita Junior High School (Ayano Tanaka, Nao Tachibana, Setsuyo Gi) – Original script
  • 3rd place: Keiai Junior High School (Kie Uchikawa, Saki Nishijima, Ami Tanaka) – If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Acting awards went to the rabbit from Moji Chuou ES, the tree from Seinan Jo Gakuin JHS, and the toad from Meiji Gakuen JHS.

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