Eco-tourism weekend • エコツーリズムな週末
On June 13, four of our 3rd-year students and our five Winchester students headed to the small village of Toho-mura in Oita for a weekend of eco-tourism. They were joining students and staff of Seinan’s tourism department. It was an intensive weekend, and included:
- rice planting by hand 田植え体験
- planting sweet potatoes さつま芋の苗の植えつけ体験
- heating baths the old-fashioned way – by fire 釜戸に火をつけて五右衛門風呂を温める体験
- a walk up the valley to see the local fire festival 地元で行われた火祭りへの参加
- watching fire flies 蛍の鑑賞
- a scary session in the ghost house! 肝試し
- making and eating soba noodles 蕎麦作り体験
- … and LOTS of healthy food and walking など実際に日本の食文化や自然に触れることで、様々な知識を深められる内容でした。
Here are some photos. 下はそのときの写真です。