Many high school students attended our July Open Campus. The main feature of the English Department this time was a lecture by a current cabin attendant of JAL. It was a pre-event for our Airline Hospitality Course, a new course that will start next year, and students were able to learn more about the job of a CA and their thoughts on it. One of the two cabin crew members who spoke at the event was a graduate of Seinan Jo Gakuin University’s English Department, who also shared her rich experiences at university before realising her dream of becoming a CA. The participating high school students happily wrote their wishes for Tanabata on strips of paper in English and engaged in conversation with the English Department students and teachers in a fun, relaxing atmosphere.

「西女でLet’s fly! エアラインの仕事を知って、ホスピタリティワークにチャレンジしてみよう!」
- DATE/TIME: 9月7日(土)10:00~15:00
- LOCATION: 西南女学院大学 • 〒803-0835 福岡県北九州市小倉北区井堀1-3-5