
Kumamoto Earthquake—Relief efforts

Our hearts go out to all those suffering in the aftermath of last week’s massive earthquakes in the Kumamoto area. Thankfully, although some of our students and their families were affected, nobody suffered any significant injury. Still, the tragedy will affect all of our lives, even here in Kitakyushu.

Kumamoto Earthquake Support: Many of our students are working with groups to support those suffering in central Kyushu. We will add their stories here as they come to hand.

Our Golden Z circle are raising money on campus, and they wrote, “熊本にはまだまだ支援を必要としている人がたくさんいます。みなさんのほんの少しが熊本の人たちの大きな力になります。どうかご協力よろしくお願いします。”

One of our first-year students raised money by taking part in a charity run at Kompila Lake near Seinan with her mother. For each 1.1km circuit, they gained 100yen for Kumamoto.

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