Suzuko Brown-Mamoto
Suzuko Brown-Mamoto is a lecturer in the English Department of Seinan Jo Gakuin University. She teaches English classes that are mainly associated with literature, as well as a seminar class.
Her experiences of being both an undergraduate and postgraduate student in the UK could be beneficial to the students. These students may themselves wish to study abroad, either in short-term intensive language courses, or in longer-term exchange programs with partner universities.
人文学部英語学科講師。専門は、イギリス文学、ジェンダー、英米映像文化研究です。学生の皆さん、そして西南女学院人文学部英語学科を目指して勉強されている方、言うまでもありませんが、4年間の大学生活は、あっという間です。ひとつひとつの出会いや学びの機会を大切にして、毎日楽しく過ごしましょう! ☆“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”☆
- Ph.D. (文学博士) 福岡大学大学院人文科学研究学科英語英米文学専攻
- MA (Literature and Creative Writing) University of East Anglia
In her free time, she enjoys travelling abroad with her beloved husband!